2022 Open edX Conference: Talks Topics Brainstorm

I would like to talk about Grove but I haven’t used it at all. So I would be happy to co-host with anybody. :slight_smile:

I haven’t worked on Open edX for a very long time so it is a bit difficult to translate no experience to a presentation. :sweat_smile:

@toxinu I am interested in talking about Grove as well. Would be happy to co-present with you :slight_smile:

I realised I don’t have a reviewer for my talk. The ticket is BB-5503. I have started writing up something, but I am on leave on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, so the deadline will be before I resume work on Monday. Would love it if someone could have a look today/tomorrow.

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Thanks so much for this :)

I haven’t yet! I was just making a note about considering it. On reflection, I don’t think I want to do the collaboration because I don’t think I want to actually present on that topic. I just found the topic interesting, but the degree of research I’d need to do in order to feel confident in presenting it feels a bit daunting to me with my other responsibilities.

The ‘anatomy of an MFE’ topic is one I already know-- I just have to turn it into a presentation.

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Sounds good @Fox :+1:

@Ali Thanks for getting us started with a copy of the template! I didn’t get a chance to have a closer look today, but it’s on my list for tomorrow (Tue). Looking forward! :slight_smile:

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I’m in, I just don’t have context in the specific one that you highlighted. :slight_smile:
Let me know if you’d like me to co-present and ping me on the proposal.

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Hey Cassie, everyone attending the conference has to submit a talk proposal, and yeah, both core members and contractors will be attending the coworking week and conference.

We usually get reviewers when writing the accepted talks, but I didn’t include a reviewer for the proposal. There’s really no standard format for the proposal, as it’s a simple text for on 2022 Open edX Conference: Call for Speakers @ Sessionize.com

I will review :smiley:

@paulo Thanks so much for sharing that link! @jill’s template has also been a big help :slight_smile:


Thanks for reviewing the talk!

I also discussed about co-presenting this with someone from edX so we can cover more aspects of this work.

Update: I was invited to co-present a talk that’s already been submitted by Aamir here. I will be sharing my talk details to him so the ideas can be merged. I’m not sure if there is more for me to do here.

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I wrote a proposal; would someone be able to review my short lightning talk proposal, “What is completion?”? (log time on MNG-2798)

Open to other ideas too:

  • I also reached out to Régis to see if he’d like any help with a workshop to get people using Tutor devstacks (after my own positive experience with this setup).
  • If anyone else is looking for a collaborator around content libraries, Grove, “Beyond XBlocks”, or extending the platform, I’d also be interested.

Approved :slight_smile:

If @saksham or I need any help with preparing the content libraries talk, can we ask you? Since he’s new to the project, and since my usage is mainly from an API/LX vantage point, your perspective would be very welcome.

@giovannicimolin Thanks for the offer! Looks like the timing didn’t quite work out – Ali and I already started working on the proposal for her talk idea, so I won’t be continuing with the FLOSS course topic. Sorry about that! If you still want to pick it up (or would like a second pair of eyes on a proposal for a different topic), I’d be happy to review. Just let me know :slight_smile:

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Thanks @jill !

For sure!

I take this back :p Regis loved my idea of a Tutor workshop, and I’m planning something with him and Kyle from edX to help people get started with Open edX development (set up edX, create plugins, etc.). So I’m going to have my hands full.

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So the talk proposal @tikr and put together was accepted! This is both very cool :tada: and very complicated, as I am still not allowed to travel to Portugal :thinking: (I know @cassie is in the same situation).

Tim, do you know yet if you’re definitely able to go? I would still love to work on the content of the talk, but may have to find someone to present it for me.

Is anyone else in the same predicament?

Screenshot 2022-03-08 at 12.27.02


As Ali mentioned my talk proposal was accepted too! :star_struck: So basically following what Ali said, is anyone who is presenting by themselves in the same situation (ie. possibly not able to attend)?

Screenshot 2022-03-08 at 08.28.43


My proposal has been accepted as well. Demid could be a co-speaker, but given the situation, it’s not clear if he will be able to come or not.
My attendance is also under question. Assuming that there will be no restriction based on my citizenship, I still, the same as @toxinu, need to get my European Covid certificate. I guess, worst case scenario, I just make a PCR test before flying, even though I’m going to be vaccinated by that time.

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Hi @tikr,

I’m so bummed, but after hearing that I’m eligible for an “essential travel” visa (because our talk was accepted), the first available appointment at the visa application centre is 28 April! So it goes without saying, but I won’t be able to co-present with you. :pensive:

I’d still love to help with the talk prep though.

@antoviaque What should we do in this case? I was supposed to be the “main” speaker, with Tim as the co-speaker. @tikr Did you receive an email from Sessionize allowing you to “confirm participation”?

Ignore my previous post! I’ve accepted my talk, as it looks like I’m coming! As Ali mentioned because my talk has been accepted it’s more “essential-travel-like” :slight_smile:

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