2024 Open edX Conference: Talk Topics Brainstorm

Yep, that’s a good idea :+1:

Closely related topics that jumped out at me when looking at previous posts again:

@maxim @braden @tecoholic Feel free to include course cloning in your proposals if you think it would be a good fit.

I had briefly thought about this topic too, but more from the perspective of presenting it as a finished product. Which made me discard the idea because I don’t expect we’ll be able to address all the remaining challenges in time for the 2024 conference :sweat_smile:

The angle that you’re suggesting is interesting though, and definitely makes the topic a better fit for a talk that would be presented 6 months from now.

And :+1: to making it a shared talk with Michelle. While our experiences are similar in a lot of ways, her perspective on the process is unique in that she’s handling OSPRs for edx-platform, where there is no 1:1 mapping between repos and maintainers/code owners. (So the process for finding reviewers is different and often more challenging than for repos that are fully owned by a single team.)

I’ll reach out to Michelle to see what she thinks, and if she’d be on board with doing a shared talk.

Lastly, depending on when I’ll be coming to South Africa I might not be able to co-present the talk, so I’ll need to talk to Michelle about that too.

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