Firefighting issues - Coverage, escalation & backups

Hi @gabor – the best way to ensure this is to make sure yours and @mtyaka 's on-call hours correctly reflect the times you are willing to receive alerts.

The changes we’ve made to Bebop’s FF roster should give us 24-hour coverage for fires, and firefighters can triage.

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@gabor It looks like @jill already answered your question (thanks!).

The only thing I would add is that the firefighting rules for Serenity that are in the handbook aren’t meant to imply that members of the cell must be on the escalation path for fires 24/7, 365 days of the year.

Their main purpose is to help us guard sustainability.

We do this by creating tickets for addressing infrastructure-related fires in the SE project, and not in BB or FAL. That way, even if someone outside of Serenity works on a fire, time logged on the (non-billable) ticket will come from Serenity’s monthly budget of non-billable hours.

In general it’s of course preferable to have members of Serenity work on infrastructure-related fires because they have the most context out of everyone on the team and will be able to fix issues most efficiently.

So during the cell’s working hours, infra fires should be addressed by Serenity by default (regardless of whether they are critical or not). But outside of those hours it’s fine for members of other cells to work on resolving infra fires (as long as they are critical).

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The merge request is now merged, and the changes are live in the handbook:

Thanks for the reviews and improvements! And as always, if anything doesn’t work out well or as intended, don’t hesitate to bring it up, we can still iterate further.

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