Open edX Conference 2025 & Coworking Week

If anyone is planning on bringing children, please let me know! Some rooms have extra beds.

I’d simply say, as early as possible @paulo :sweat_smile: your decision doesn’t block the process, though, so I’ll proceed with the booking and just let me know as soon as you can.

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Yes, I am :raised_hand:


If I’m still here by then, I will be!


Btw, @KatiaDimova brought up a good point that I had missed about bringing partners to the coworking week:

I noticed in the forum that some of your colleagues are planning to come with partners, families, pets. That’s okay, just pls note that the current proposal is for max of 25 pax, so a small additional fee would apply for any extra guests (30per person per night and 50 Euro per pet per week with a quota of max 2 pets). These extras can be paid by each person directly on spot by card, so that it doesn’t interfere with your company budget.

I didn’t remember there was a max number of guests, so it is good to figure it out now. OpenCraft can cover the group up to the current 25 from the quote, but since the bill is already quite high, that would stop there. Since it looks like we will exceed this number, we can have the extra costs being paid directly by the extra guests & pets, what Katia is suggesting seems fair - especially since it means the couples will be getting the double-rooms.

If we are less than 25 people from the team, to donate the extra places to partners in a fair way, we could divide the extra costs among all those who bring a partner - eg if we are 23 people from the team, and 4 people bring partners, those 4 people would pay for 2 people in total, or 0.5 extra person per couple, ie 30 euros / 2 = 15 euros per day.

Does that sound fair? And good for you too @KatiaDimova ?


More than fair, thank you @antoviaque :heart:

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Yep. That’s pretty fair :slight_smile:

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Sounds like a plan @antoviaque :slightly_smiling_face:

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No problem on our side at all, whatever is most convenient for you.
I really appreciate the open and fair way of handling everything


That sounds more than fair—it’s a fantastic deal for staying in such a beautiful place! :european_castle:


I agree. That’s more than fair, thanks @antoviaque :slight_smile:

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I agree too, thanks @antoviaque :raised_hands:

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Yes :slight_smile: and thank you @antoviaque

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I think it’s best that I not attend the Open edX Conference in July and the coworking week one week before.

I selected neither in the poll.
I don’t believe my contribution in attending the conference would be sufficient to justify OpenCraft’s investment. The proposed talk I was involved in was not approved and I don’t believe I will be participating in any sessions (I’m willing to help others prepare for their sessions before) and can review recordings of relevant presentations after.
Also, the timing, including the coworking week before, doesn’t work for me (conflicts with wife’s 50th, etc.).
I’ll miss attending the conference but especially miss the OpenCraft team during the coworking week.


That’s completely fair @antoviaque, thanks :+1:

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We’ll miss you too @DouglasDraper!!

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Hey @gabriel. Sorry to bug you so far in advance about this, but I have a question about flights. I’ll be travelling to Central America and spending a couple of months there before the conference. I am in the process of booking flights for that trip and would like to arrange my flights to and from France at the same time (it works out cheaper to do it all together).

Is it ok if I book my flights, and then request a reimbursement from OpenCraft for the France legs?

I’d also like to start getting my visa in order (soonish), so was wondering when you were planning to create those tickets (I can always create my own if that makes more sense). Please let me know what works for you.

@Ali sure, you can book your flights right away and we’ll reimburse the coworking/conf portion. I’m waiting for Xavier to review the conference discovery before creating tickets for obtaining visas, but feel free to go ahead and create your own under the conference epic/account : )

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@gabriel Great, thanks for confirming.

We’ll miss you in France, but I’m glad we can still make use of your super organizing skills leading up to the trip! :blush:


I’ve bought everyone’s conference ticket today :trophy: