Sprint planning manager feedback

Hi @bebop.

I created this topic to ask the following questions:

  1. Are you satisfied with how sprint planning is done now?

    If you think that something can be improved — don’t hesitate to write about it here. I would appreciate any feedback or suggestion.

  2. Do you feel good about increased number of comments / pings in sprint checklist?

    Currently, we do most of the sprint preparation on Monday of the third week, and it is a bit stressful for me and for people whom I have to ping. Also, some people end their day when I start preparation, so sometimes I have to blindly assign tickets.

    I find spreadsheet comments feature very useful and want to try using it more extensively. In my opinion, that can help cell members to keep deadlines better, reduce the number of synchronous discussions, get rid of messages like this one and as a result solve two problems I mentioned above.

Thanks in advance for your answers.

[ Ticket to log time ]


@bebop I’m also curious about your answers here :slight_smile:

I am satisfied, yes, with caveats. I’m glad it’s working and we got rid of the two hour meetings. The first couple ones end up taking a lot of MatterMost synchronisation but thanks to you this has improved a lot lately.

Not sure if it’s just me, but I have to say that going through the checklist (and the due dates) is making the end of sprint more difficult due to more things to keep an eye on. I feel it increased the already high context switching.

Sometimes this ends up pushing reviews to third Monday which is very stressful due to increased risk of spillovers.

I’m ok with the pings in the spreadsheet. I understand we’ll be moving to Monday (which I’m starting to love), but I expect these to go on.

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Thanks, @paulo!

Yes, that’s true for me too. I’m trying to spread next sprint preparation by Thursday W2, Friday W2 and Monday W3.

Also, I added a couple of notifications for myself to monitor numbers in the sprints app during the week and react on changes right away, without waiting for the SPM-items deadline.

Actually, if Nizar and Gabor manage to merge Crafty update, pings would be coming from monday.com in the next sprint. :stuck_out_tongue: It should be much more convenient to use.

Also, I’m going to try an approach that Jill and Nizar practice (see SE-2952) and create recurring subtasks for each cell member.

Just in case: I moved this thread in the public category.

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