2024 Conference & Coworking Activities

Hi @team,

Let’s confirm our activities for the Conference :star_struck: :partying_face:

Thank you for voting, here are the activities ranked from the ones the team would like to do most (at the top), to the ones the team would like to do least (at the bottom)…

  1. Whale watching tour : +/- €65 pp: my worry with the the whale watching is that it’s pricey and the whales aren’t guaranteed - it’s a bit early in the season.
  2. Hiking on a path along the coast: Free!
  3. Hiking in the mountains : Free!
  4. Wine tasting tour: +/- €22 pp (excludes tasting fees)
  5. Sea kayaking: +/- €25 pp
  6. Saturday Country Market: Free!
  7. Art galleries: Free!
  8. Shark cage diving: +/- €183 pp (40 min drive, price includes transport)
  9. Horse riding: +/- €32 pp
  10. Scuba diving: +/- €122 pp

Here is a poll to register for the top 6 activities, the poll will close on the 31st of May. This ensures we have enough time to book, and organize:

  • Whale watching tour
  • Hiking on a path along the coast
  • Hiking in the mountains
  • Wine tasting tour
  • Sea kayaking
  • Saturday Country Market
0 voters

Will your partner join the above activities?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

The art galleries can be done at any time in the week, and are all pretty close to our coworking space. So we could wing that. If anyone would like to do Shark Cage Diving, Horse Riding, or Scuba Diving, please nominate yourself to organize any of these activities.

We also have the team dinner one of the week nights, but let me know if you suggest any other night-time activities (ie. like board games).



@team A reminder to vote above before Friday the 31st! I’ll close the votes then :slight_smile:

Hi @cassie @Ali or whoever might know. During the co-working week, what is the likelihood of having reliable power and Internet service? Also, will there be a space to conduct meetings without disturbing colleagues? Thanks for any response and sorry if this has been communicated previously.

Hey @DouglasDraper,

South Africa hasn’t had any power outages in weeks, BUT everyone expects that this is just because today is election day and the ruling party is trying to make us all forget about the years of unreliable power! :woman_facepalming:

That said, both your Airbnb and the co-working space have backup power, so electricity and internet should not be an issue at all.

WRT space for meetings: we have booked out the entire co-working space, and there are separate rooms which could be used for meetings. Hope that helps!

Hi @Ali thank you! That really helps! See you soon.

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@cassie as you asked, I voted for the activities, however, my participation highly depends on timing. Do you already know when would be the activities?

Hi @gabor, I’ll be looking at dates and times next week for the activities :slight_smile:

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Hi @cassie, Sorry, I thought I had voted but may have missed a deadline for registration (have been on holiday). I’d still like to go if at all possible to:
Wine tasting
Hiking in the mountains
Hike along the coast
Saturday country market
Thank you!

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Wine tasters! :wine_glass:

@Fox @Ali @kaustav @antoviaque @maxim @artur @DouglasDraper @Cef @Agrendalath @navin @rpenido @gabor

I wanted to give you a run down on how the wine tasting will work:

  • We’ll use the company Winehoppers to transport us around.
  • Each vehicle can take 9 people. About 15 of us will be doing the tasting, so we’ll need to split the group. We’ll meet up for lunch.
  • We can choose to depart at 10am,11am,11:30am or,12pm.
  • We’ll visit about 5 wine farms if we depart at 10am or 11am and return around 4:30pm from the valley.
  • We’ll spend about 45 minutes at each wine farm.
  • We’ll have lunch between 1pm and 2:30pm at one of the following wine farms: La Vierge, Spookfontein, Bosman, Newton Johnson, or Creation. Each person can choose their own meal.

Costs for your own pocket:

  • Transport: €22 per person
  • Wine tasting cost: From €4 per tasting
  • Meal cost: depends on what you choose

@Ali and I are determining the best dates for the tasting :slight_smile:

Please thumbs up :+1: if you’d still like to participate, or thumbs down :-1: if you’re no longer interested…


Whale watchers! :whale:

@ChrisChV @kaustav @yusuf @antoviaque @maxim @artur @braden @daniel.valenzuela @Agrendalath @gabor

Could I kindly ask someone to volunteer to organize the whale watching activity? Remember this is for everyone’s own account. You can book directly on the following website :slight_smile:

5?! Wow, we’d better pace ourselves! :woozy_face:


Hi everyone,

I need to make a booking for our Wine Tasting adventures on Sunday, 7 Jul at 11:30am. As this is for our personal accounts, I’ll make the booking, and add the amount to Splitwise. Please join the Open edX Conference 2024 Splitwise Group so we can start keeping track of our personal expenses :slight_smile:

So far I’ll be booking for:

@artur Please let me know if you still want to join in :slight_smile: I’ll make the booking on Thursday, the 27th June, so let me know before then.

Thanks everyone :wine_glass:


@cassie I’d like to join as well. Already joined splitwise group.


Sorry, I’m lagging behind with all the coworking-related notifications flying around. Sure, count me and my wife in.

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The wine tour has been booked and paid for! I’ve also made a reservation at the following wine farm for lunch for the wine tasters :slight_smile: Spookfontein Restaurant

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Is there still time to join in? No worries if not :slight_smile: