2024 Open edX Conference: Talk Topics Brainstorm

My talk got accepted too :smiley:


My lightning talk got accepted :slight_smile: ; not sure yet about my other proposal.


@maxim @Cef @jill @braden

Well done everyone! :raised_hands: Here are your tickets:

P.s. My talk was also accepted!


@Agrendalath’s and mine talk was accepted too :smile:


Congratulations Everyone :slight_smile:

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@kaustav @Agrendalath Nice! :clap: Here’s your ticket.

@antoviaque Does the 20h limit for talk preparation apply to talks with 2 speakers too? i.e. each speaker has +/- 10 hours available to them for helping to prepare the talk?

@Ali Yes exactly - the workload and budget in that case is shared between the two presenters.

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Huh, my other talk (“Flexible credentials in Open edX”) has been accepted, too. Should I withdraw it?

@Agrendalath You could get help on either or both of them, from someone else who didn’t get any accepted talk?

@antoviaque, right; it would be nice to present both of these talks. I haven’t involved anybody else too much in the credentials project yet, but if anybody without a talk would be interested in co-presenting it, then it could work.

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@Agrendalath You’ve clearly got insights on stuff that people want to hear about! Here’s a ticket for your second talk. I’ve left the “reviewer” (i.e. co-presenter) blank for now.

@DouglasDraper Welcome back! I hope you had a great time in Egypt. :egypt:

I wanted to mention something about the update you posted on the Deathstar Sprint Update thread:

Our proposal for a panel discussion during the Open edX conference - Client Strategy and Retention - was accepted. The session will include clients and client owners from OpenCraft and other Open edX partners discussing the impact of some of the best practices performed by Open edX partners.

Great news! I look forward to attending this.

I see you’ve mentioned Fox and Gabriel as possible co-speakers. Please bear in mind that talk preparation is capped at 20 hours, and this limit needs to be shared between all the speakers. Just wanted to bring this to your attention in case you didn’t know.

P.s. I’ve added a 20 hour time limit to your ticket. Please add the final co-speaker(s) as reviewer 1 and 2 on the ticket.

I can help co-presenting the talk if you want :slight_smile:


Hi @Ali , thanks for the feedback. I could use your advice on how to budget for hours for the 2 sessions I’m part of. I don’t say presenter as I’m more of a moderator.
I’m happy with a budget of 20 hours for each session but wanted to explain the two sessions below to make sure that makes sense:
BizDev workshop.
Eden and team asked me to help organize the session (make it more interactive) as well as to moderate the session. Eden has increased the length of the session to 3 hours.
There are 7 presenters, one of whom is Fox and again, my role during the session will be to:

  • Introduce the session and do an icebreaker
  • Conduct the Q&A
  • Present the conclusions

Client Strategy and Retention
This is listed as a case study and will be 45 minutes in length. The format will be a panel discussion that will entail selected clients and Open edX vendors discussing best practices. I expect my role will be to:

  • Design the session (hope to get help from John Schwartz)
  • Find and recruit participants (clients and other Open edX vendors) - this may take some doing!
  • Facilitate the session

So, should we maintain the 20 hours per session or do you have other ideas?

FTR: My talk is still in evaluation

That would be perfect, thank you! I added you to BB-8645.


@farhaan, you should have an invite in your inbox. The link will be valid for 7 days, so please confirm it when you have a moment.

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In this case, I think it makes sense for @fox to be the main assignee on the ticket, and for you to be the reviewer (I have created a ticket for the workshop here). Just like the talks, workshop prep is awarded 20 hours to be shared between presenters. Let me know if you think you’ll need more time and we can bring Xavier in on the discussion.

Yes, I think 20 hours per session makes sense if possible. Here is this talk’s ticket again for ease of access.

Let me know if you have any more questions.

@Ali @DouglasDraper @Fox It looks like there are two tickets and one subtask for the BizDev workshop:

  • STAR-3452: BizDev Session Open edX 2024
    • (Subtask, marked as Done) STAR-3458: BizDev Session Presentation
  • STAR-3524: Prepare conference talk (2024): BizDev workshop

If I understand correctly, the total budget for these tasks would be 20h. Could you confirm?

  • So far, a total of 4.5h has been logged on STAR-3452 and STAR-3458.
  • STAR-3524 hasn’t had any time logged on it yet.

So depending on what the total budget is, we might need to reduce the 20h budget for STAR-3524 to 15.5h.

Either way, it might make sense to close one of the top-level tasks as a duplicate of the other. That would make it a lot easier to track budget usage, I think :slightly_smiling_face:


Also @Fox, do you still need this ticket:

STAR-3403: Prepare presentation on different Open Source LMSes

If so, what would be the budget for it @Ali?

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