2024 Open edX Conference: Talk Topics Brainstorm

@tikr @Ali @DouglasDraper I’ve migrated all of my worklogs from the other two tickets to STAR-3524 and have closed the other two. I’ll work on that one moving forward.


@Fox Great, thanks for the quick turnaround!

@DouglasDraper @Ali

  • So we’re clear on STAR-3458 and STAR-3403 now – they’re closed and have no work logs left on them.
  • STAR-3452 is still open, with 2.5h worth of work logs. It’s not in the current sprint, though.

So I’m inclined to close it and move the remaining work logs over to STAR-3524, so work can continue there.

Let me know if you’re good with that?

@tikr That works for me. Thanks for picking up the duplication.

My talk was not accepted.

Same here.

Mine wasn’t accepted too.

Aw, that’s a pity, but thanks to everyone for letting me know. Please remember to offer to co-present with someone whose talk was accepted.

@team Please post an update here (if you haven’t already) as soon as you’ve heard whether your talk was accepted or not. That will allow us to adjust the budget so it can be as accurate as possible.


Mine wasn’t accepted either

My talk wasn’t accepted. Co-presenting with @Ali :dancer:

My talk wasn’t accepted either.

No problem. I went ahead with the changes. So STAR-3452 is now closed and all work logs related to the BizDev workshop are linked to STAR-3524.

CC @DouglasDraper

My talk was not accepted.

My talk was not accepted.

My talk wasn’t accepted either

My talk wasn’t accepted either

My “main” talk on adding type safety to the platform wasn’t accepted either; though as I mentioned, my lightning talk was.

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@braden don’t forget to spend a few hours helpin’ out the two-session back-to-back super awesome MFE funtimes tutorial :slight_smile:

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Right, that too! :-D

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My talk wasn’t accepted either

Likewise my talk was not accepted.

@braden Will you need an extra ticket for the MFE funtimes tutorial? (this title cracks me up :laughing:)