Jenna Makowski (Product Manager, tCRIL) has provided the following roadmap ticket template draft for our review, and would like our feedback. Is anything missing or wrong?
ticket to log time
Here’s the template:
Open edX Community Roadmap: Initiative Ticket Template
README: This template standardizes a method of representing all current, in-flight Initiatives and in-planning Initiatives that will be contributed to the Open edX Platform. It is intended to provide a high-level overview of the scope of the work, the approach, the value-add, and the anticipated impact. It should be written in such a way that a newcomer who may be unfamiliar with the Open edX platform can quickly gain an understanding of the “what”, the “why” and the “how” of the Initiative.
Title: [Name of the Initiative]
[2-3 sentences that provide a brief summary of the goal of the Initiative and the intended outcome. For example, if the Initiative is intended to fix a problem or pain point, include a problem statement and the proposed solution. If the Initiative is a new feature or an enhancement, include a statement about how the new feature will improve the platform, and for whom the improvements are intended.]
Context and background:
[A paragraph providing relevant background information about the Initiative. What key pieces of information are important for newcomers to understand about the nature of the problem or pain point, the current user experience, etc.]
Scope and Approach:
[A paragraph outlining the scope of the Initiative and a description of how the work is being done. If appropriate, please provide links or a brief description of any market research or user feedback/input that has shaped the Initiative. Please include links to any design documentation that may be relevant. Who is the primary persona, ie the primary recipient of the benefits of this Initiative? If the Initiative is in early Discovery phases, please describe the Discovery method/hypothesis being tested.]
Value and Impact:
[Please include the metrics being used to measure success for the Initiative. How will the Open edX platform and/or experience be measurably better than before?]
Milestones and/or Epics:
[If the Initiative is being addressed incrementally, please include a list and a brief description of each groomed, in-progress or completed Milestone or Epic.]
Milestone 1: [Title]
- [1-2 sentence abstract. Include key user stories if appropriate]
- [Impact metric]
- [Link to Epic where it may exist in GH, jira, etc]
Milestone 2: [etc etc]
Timeline: [Recognizing that many Initiatives evolve incrementally, please include a brief scope of the Initiative timeline. Please include a target Named Release, with contingencies if necessary.]
Other required metadata:
[The following are pre-set fields. Please select from the available options in each dropdown menu.]
Proposed by: [Name of Provider/Organization]
Effort: [Is this a blended or collaborative Initiative, or a solo contribution]
Platform map:
Named release: [First Named Release to include this Initiative]