Core Contributor for the Drag and Drop XBlock?

Hello @team :ocean:

Jeff Witt, edX/2U’s Accessibility Specialist, reached out to ask if we’d be willing to add xblock-drag-and-drop-v2 to the list of repos that we maintain as core contributors.

He asks:

Could we meet sometime to discuss the Drag-and-drop xBlock?
I am hoping to get some minor updates for WCAG 2.2 conformance in the new year, and hope your group might be able to do that work

I am willing to take this up, but since I haven’t worked on it since 2018, I thought it best to ask you all first.

Specifically, I see that @Agrendalath , @tecoholic and @kaustav have all merged PRs there recently. Would any of you like to add this repo to your core contributors list (and become core contributors if you’re not already)?


@jill I have done only minor PR with some translation changes and was reviewing some work as a part of the Trial Project. My knowledge of the code-base might be poorer than yours in some aspects. :slight_smile: So, I think I will stay away.

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@jill, I’m a CC for this XBlock since April.

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I’d be open to it as well. I’ve reviewed a lot of DnD v2 PR for Yonkers, and it seems I still have merge rights there from back when that repo was under edx-solutions.

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Oh! I didn’t even check that, thanks @Agrendalath !

Excellent, thank you @kshitij !

Would either of you like to reach out to Jeff and offer your help with this a11y work?

@jill Thank you very much for checking. :grinning:

This is a very interesting opportunity, having recently done some work with this xblock.

But since I am not a core contributor, I think it would be better for others like you, @Agrendalath or @kshitij to take this up, who are CC and also have a lot of experience with this xblock.

Is there a reason to not become a core contributor… :) :)

I’ll be off for half of the next week, but if this is not time-sensitive, then I can do this next Thursday (or Friday, depending on the number of follow-ups).

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Thu or Fri should be fine @Agrendalath . I’ll leave it up to you to follow up?

I’d be happy to nominate you @kaustav if you’re ready?
Here’s what the process looks like: Core Contributor nomination: Pooja Kulkarni - Core Contributors - Open edX discussions

Just let me know :sunny: :


Hi All, Jonathan Fay ( and I have 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM ET open on Thursday November 3rd. Does some block in there work for you?

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While this would be great news, I just want to ping @tikr and @antoviaque to make sure we currently have enough budget for a new Core Contributor :slight_smile:

@gabriel Thanks for paying attention to this :) You’re correct that we are trying to limit the unbilled spending currently, to get the bottom line back to the green. But it’s probably worth doing it, we need to encourage the core contributor program, and the best way to do this is to put our money where our mouth is. So ok :+1:

CC @tikr – let me know if the impact this will have on the sustainability ratios will require adjustments, we can look into cutting somewhere else.

Hi Jeff. Yes, please feel free to pick any slot from this Calendly link.

@antoviaque I’ll need to compile and review relevant stats for October to fully confirm. But based on where things stood at the end of September I’d say we have some wiggle room to fit in another CC (due to some accounts having accumulated fewer hours so far than their monthly budgets would have allowed for).

Please keep Jeremy Bowman in the loop about the outcome of this discussion :) He was just asking about it on Slack #opencraft.

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@antoviaque Just a quick update: You can consider this confirmed now.

CC @gabriel


@tikr Thank you! So @kaustav looks like we are all good to get you to become a core contributor :slight_smile: @jill You offered to do @kaustav 's nomination, so I think this is the green light for that :slight_smile:

Btw @Agrendalath did you end up syncing up to take over the Drag and Drop XBlock? If so, can you let Jeremy Bowman know about it? (cf @braden 's comment two posts up)


@antoviaque, I haven’t heard from @jwitt so far. I’ll follow up with him and Jeremy on Slack or GitHub.

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Excellent! Great to know we’ve got capacity for another CC member :slight_smile:

@kaustav and I met yesterday, and decided that his CC candidacy needs a little beefing up before we do the nomination. We’ll revisit end of Jan 2023. Here’s what he’s been working on:

  • some work on BD-13, which is a great start.
  • currently working on the Nutmeg upgrade, so is talking to @mtyaka about getting involved in the BTR working group.
  • currently working on the visual problem editor for content libraries v2, which will be a solid contribution.

This is definitely a great news :slight_smile:

This is great to know that Kaustav will be ready to be a CC by Jan 2023 :innocent: .

@jill I am interested to take CC responsibilities, do you think I can help? :see_no_evil: