[Core Contributors] Getting broader access to repos & grouping

For the code core contributors in the team – I’d like to attract your attention to this post from @sarina to allow you to get broader access to more repositories, by proposing “groupings” of repositories on which you have worked on:

I’d like to quickly bring up the proposal for Core Contributors to propose logical repo “groupings” (groups that it’d be common for other Core Contributors to apply to, such as a particular set of XBlocks, or a feature repo + associated libraries). My idea would be these groupings wouldn’t necessarily mean you have a history of contributing to every single one, but your performance in a few of the repos would be a good proxy for proving you understood the whole group.

@arbrandes @brian.smith and I have been discussing grouping MFE repos in such a way and in @BrianMesick 's nomination we provided some groups for Analytics repos.

Cf Core Contributor Sprint Retro - 29 October - 12 November - #2 by sarina - Core Contributors - Open edX discussions

Would that allow you to cover more repos for reviews and/or be able to work more efficiently upstream? If you have suggestions or comments on how to achieve those goals btw, don’t hesitate, it’s a good occasion to discuss it.