Coworking week 2023 in Bogota

Hi @team :smile: Could everyone that’s attending the co-working week next week in Bogota please reply to this survey ^? eduNEXT are hosting us at a Hackathon at their offices, so they need to know how many people are expected, any allergies/food needs, and people’s names so we can ensure everyone can access the building.


  • When: Tuesday 4 April 10am - 5pm
  • Where: at eduNext’s office (pinned on our shared map).
  • Topic: ChatGPT!
    We’ll pick a use case and implement something that people can use on their Open edX sites. You’re welcome to propose ideas here, and we can talk about it on the day.
  • Food: eduNEXT will give us lunch, so be sure to indicate your food/allergy requirements on the form.

Reply here if you have any questions or concerns or ideas or anything :slight_smile:


@Ali and I are keen - we’d love to contribute to the ideas - we just won’t be able to help with the technical implementation, but can guide the UX :slight_smile:

We have a hitch! :construction: Since ChatGPT isn’t open source, @antoviaque reminded me that we can’t use our CC-funded time to build support for it into Open edX.

So we need other ideas! E.g.


Hi everyone,

Hope everyone is good and had a good flight. As discussed, tomorrow we have our Hackaton at Edunext’s Offices. We are waiting for you at 10AM (COT).

The location for our offices is:

Calle 40 # 13-09 Edificio UGI
Office 1101

At the reception you can ask for Edunext, they’ll help you with the security process.

This is going to be an excellent space!

Have a good one.


@jill just watched my face as I opened the Instructor Dashboard for the first time. :scream: (I know that improving the dashboard was also mentioned a few times at the conference). So, what about Jill’s idea of working on improving the Instructor Dashboard during the hackathon tomorrow? Thoughts?

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I would be into creating a React-based XBlock at the hackathon if anyone’s interested.


Another thing we could schedule for the hackathon is Brainstorm: Better Planning, Collaboration, & Reporting for Core Contributor Work - Core Contributors - Open edX discussions - especially since Jorge is working on Contributors' Meetup Refactoring - Working Groups - Open edX discussions ? It’s less technical, but no less important - and uses the fact that we’ll be able to discuss it in person?

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I’m planning on working towards making a theming MFE prototype that can output design tokens, which can be consumed by a design server that can use those tokens to output a theme that can be dynamicaly loaded by other MFEs.

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Hey @team

Just trying to make plans for Friday, 7 April - a lot of people are leaving on Saturday :frowning:

So let me know if you’re keen for:

  • Lunch, Fri 7 Apr
  • Dinner, Fri 7 Apr

0 voters

AND would you prefer to:

  • Eat at a restaurant
  • Eat a “home” cooked meal at someone’s Airbnb

0 voters

Please vote soon, so I can find a restaurant if I need to :slight_smile:


Do we know if the co-working space will be open on Friday? Because that affects my vote…

I think the consensus might be a dinner at Xavier’s Airbnb :slight_smile:

It will be open, @jill!

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