DNS on Staging


I’ve noticed that DNS calls have a very high failure rate on our staging cluster and it’s been this way for as long as I can remember-- the majority of our Sentry events for Listaflow are DNS misses between the app and the DB, and I have been getting a ton of errors from Dead Man’s Snitch ever since Stage started checking in. I think I’ve seen chatter about things breaking from transient DNS errors repeatedly in Mattermost.

This doesn’t happen on the production cluster. Has anyone looked into this, or should I schedule a ticket for it?

@Fox I guess nobody have a clue about it, so having a task wouldn’t hurt :blush:

OK! I’ve created one here. I think you’re probably best positioned to investigate this, actually, so I’ve assigned it to you, but please let me know if you’d rather it be someone else :slight_smile:

That is perfect, @Fox! Thank you!

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