edX developer docs - Survey & upcoming hackathon

thank you so much for the reminder @antoviaque here is mine FAL-280

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Got mine here: https://tasks.opencraft.com/browse/SE-3990

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Great, thank you! :slight_smile: Looking forward to see how that goes.

Actually, after participating next week, could you post a few words about how it was, and what you did? To get a feel of what that gave.

Sure! Set a reminder. :innocent:

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From the official forum’s current banner:

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I think it’s also encouraged to ping core committers (or anyone at OpenCraft knowledgeable about the settings variables we are documenting) to help edX with reviews, please check this comment from Robert Raposa (https://github.com/edx/edx-platform/pull/26165#issuecomment-767657218):

I don’t think they need to review immediately, but if you could add reviewers for OpenCraft PRs, that would be a big help. I’m happy to support where I am needed.

For PRs I already started the review on, I’ll leave it up to you whether you want another opinion or not. This is mainly about any future PRs. Thank you!

So, how did that hackathon go? :slight_smile:

@antoviaque It went pretty well! I got to document the toggles of a feature I wrote years ago (Open Badges). Felt good to bring that up to speed.

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It went pretty good. Hit a new personal record for the longest pull request between my personal pull requests… 103 comments! :rofl:

Other than that, interactions with Robert and Nimisha and Regis were lovely on the pull requests.
Had the chance to write some tests and yeah that sounds about it :sweat_smile:

It would’ve been nicer to see a larger number of participants, but at the same time, it would’ve probably been overwhelming for Robert :man_shrugging:

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I participated on the closing remarks call and they actually mentioned that they were going to create a badge just for @nizar for the amount of comments during the event :smiley:

It went well for me too, I learnt a lot.

Something they mentioned is that they didn’t achieve the goal so they are thinking in ways to encourage more people, or to keep the event open, discussions are in progress in the #edx-shared-toggles-n-settings slack channel


:joy: Hahahahahahahahaha I should’ve seen it coming :stuck_out_tongue:

hi everyone, just to comment that the Docathon continues until March 15th and now there is a Leaderboard showcasing the most contributors and reviewers. They also mentioned about creating another leaderboard for organizations, and I think we have a really good chance of becoming first btw :slight_smile:

@antoviaque is this something that we want to encourage as OC? In any case, I think people won’t be able to focus on this in this sprint (I already closed my ticket from the previous sprint :frowning: )


Yup, definitely :) A bit of friendly competition doesn’t hurt - and defending our team colors to end up first is always nice :) It’s also good for our reputation to be seen as the most prolific contributor.

Btw, there is also the project of a broader leaderboard, which would count all contributions to the project - see:

It’s not one of the priority projects for this year, but if anyone wants to contribute to this as part of your core committer hours (now, or in the future when you actually become core committer), let me know. :)

I am really interested in this :grimacing:

@antoviaque just to confirm, can anyone in OC allocate time in the upcoming sprint for the event? what about future contributions (looking to solve open issues, forum responses, etc.)? If that’s the case how many hours is ok per sprint? (I guess the account could still be OpenCraft - Contributions)


:eyes: Yeah, I’m also seriously interested. I love doing such contributions, without the need for too much client communication :sweat_smile:

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@raul @nizar Great to hear! :D To track this potential work, I’ve added a line on the 2021 accelerated epics list for the contributions leaderboard, and noted both of your names for this project. Since we already have quite a few projects starting, and that all cells are a bit short on availability right now, I don’t want to start another epic just yet, but this will likely change in the coming months.

For now, you are however welcome to contribute to the discussion on Leaderboard · Issue #179 · openedx/open-edx-proposals · GitHub – you can log the time spent on this on Log in - OpenCraft (this is a management ticket, so this won’t impact your cell’s sustainability budget - just keep the time spent on this reasonable :) )

That’s a cell account, so that’s a question you will need to ask to your cell’s sustainability manager :) On my side no problem, on the contrary, but it remains important to ensure that your cell’s sustainability ratio is ok to be able to spend more time on contributions.