I’m working on the auto-tagging feature for system taxonomies and struggling to get these entities’ Author and Language metadata, using their opaque key as starting point.
For the course, I manage to get the author and language using the following code:
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
course = modulestore().get_course(course_key)
author = course.edited_by
lang = course.language
How can I do the same for XBlock, LibraryBlock, and ContentLibrary?
For the XBlock and LibraryBlock, I have the UsageKey.
For the ContentLibrary, I have the LibraryLocator.
I’ll continue reading the code, but I appreciate it if someone gives me a shortcut!
Thank you!
PS: Is this the right place for this type of question?
PS: Is this the right place for this type of question?
It’s not a bad place for it if your task reviewer hasn’t been able to help. But whenever we post questions or discussions, we reference a ticket so that OpenCrafters can log their time.