(Excuse the early post, but I will be on leave from tomorrow and want to make sure you all have access to a ticket to log time).
As you probably already know, the conference organizers are doing preliminary reviews of talk proposals that were submitted before 13 Dec 2023. Potential speakers (that’s us!) will be given feedback on the first draft of their proposal, and a chance to re-submit. Unfortunately, we don’t know when they will be sending feedback, but we will be prepared!
Each of us will have a budget of 1 hour to read the feedback we receive, update our talk proposals, and resubmit them (probably at the same link as the first submission). The deadline for re-submission is 17 January 2024. This is a great opportunity for us to get as many OpenCraft talks accepted as possible, so don’t miss the deadline!
@team Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2024 is your best year yet.
Most of you will have received feedback about your talk proposal for the conference. The deadline for resubmission is 17 Jan, so please schedule this ticket for sprint 316. We each have 1 hour to adjust our proposals and resubmit them.
Also, before resubmitting, can we have a proper timeline for reviews? It was a bit rushed and chaotic on that side for the first round, and since this time is the final one I want to make sure there is a proper review made: ie a first review from a first reviewer from the same cell, a second one from me, and time to address the comments.
We have done a preliminary review of your talk (Aspects Analytics: I didn’t know you could do that!) and have no actionable feedback for you. However we still wanted to send you this mail so that you got confirmation that your proposal did go through the preliminary review process.
So I guess that means I don’t need to refine my talk before the formal review, and will wait to see if it gets selected before putting any more time in.
I also got very little feedback on my proposals (hopefully that’s good news?). Just one suggested point to add to the outline of my Typing talk. @antoviaque could I just make that change and ping you to review my proposals, before I re-submit? Or do you want me to find another reviewer to look at it first?
I’ve gotten feedback on mine, but I’m not sure it’s going to stay an independent talk at this point-- there’s going to be a sort of bizdev symposium (it’s being called a ‘workshop’ but I don’t gather any actual interactive stuff is happening here) on the first day and I’m being asked to contribute a good bit of what I intended to talk about to that rather than making it a stand-alone talk, since it has a lot of overlap.
We have done a preliminary review of your talk(Multi-tenancy vs Separate Instances - Choosing the Best Approach for Open edX) and have no actionable feedback for you. However we still wanted to send you this mail so that you got confirmation that your proposal did go through the preliminary review process.
So I think even I don’t need to refine my talk further.
Hmm, “no actionable feedback” can either be good news, or bad news. Since we haven’t really done a proper review internally the first time, I would still do a pass of improvement/flesh out with internal feedback for all talks.
@braden If you want I can be your first reviewer, unless you think of someone else who could have better context on your talk to provide you with feedback.
@team This is a reminder for everyone who needs to resubmit their talk proposals (please ignore this ping if this doesn’t apply to you):
Remember to get your updated proposal reviewed by someone in your cell by Jan 11 . Once that’s done, the next step will be to get @antoviaque’s review before resubmitting.
@Ali I’ve created a subtask - STAR-3442, however it does not appear on my board. @Fox@ChrisChV Is it the same for you?
@antoviaque My feedback was to merge the proposals with @Cef. He is however on leave until the 18th of Jan (I only noticed now). I guess the only logical thing is for me to merge the two proposals, find someone else from Bebop to review it and then resubmit it. Is that fine?
The Bebop board doesn’t incorperate tasks from other projects. @Ali you should create a task in each project so that people can create subtasks on that version and shows up on their board. The DeathStar board, by contrast, shows ALL tasks on all projects we’re involved in. Or nearly all if not all.
Thanks for bringing this up. I was thinking that everyone could just log their time on the STAR ticket I created, but I see now that it’s easier for everyone if their tickets appear on their own boards.
@Ali you should create a task in each project so that people can create subtasks on that version and shows up on their board.
Thanks, I’ll do that from now on. In the meantime, I’ll see what I can do to resolve the tickets related to this task.
If no one objects, I’ve decided I am not going to create tickets for each cell for this small task. It’s just a 1 hour task, and there are only a few of us who need to refine our proposals, so please just log your time on the original ticket. Let me know if this is a problem. In the future, I will create tasks for each cell.
I got my talks reviewed and re-submitted them today!
In case anyone is confused like I was, it seems that you don’t have to re-submit them. Instead you can go to https://sessionize.com/app/speaker and edit your existing proposal. Or just leave it as-is if it’s good. At least I think so - I didn’t see any instructions about this. (I didn’t know this and first re-submitted mine from scratch, but then it showed duplicates there, so I withdrew the duplicates.)
Remember that today (15 Jan) is the last day to get your revised talk proposal reviewed by @antoviaque! Please send it to him for review ASAP if you haven’t already.
Final talk submissions close in 2 days’ time. Be sure to submit your proposal before 11:59 PM (UTC-05:00) on 17 Jan. (See Braden’s note above for submission details).