Hello @team!
There has been great fortune in the Piacenti household in the past year. We greeted our first child, Evelyn, into the world back in September, and my wife Amber was recently accepted into graduate school. In a few years, she’ll be a licensed, practicing psychologist. These changes are ones I’m happy and grateful for, but they leave me in a tight spot.
For the last few years, I’ve had the incredible opportunity to work with the best team I could hope for. I brag about each and every one of you and your capabilities when I talk about the work I do. My favorite thing to say is ‘I could hand a task to any team member, go to sleep, and expect it to be done right by morning.’ That’s not a complement you hear about most teams, let alone most engineering teams.
Part of what makes our team work in the way it does is that we have set up specific incentives and processes for compensation that take a lot of the competitive element out of compensation while still allowing each team member to be compensated fairly. I think these processes have worked very well and I’ve been happy about the environment they’ve cultivated.
However these processes do leave edge cases and I find myself in one of them. I don’t think it would be best to change the process or make an exception for my sake, especially considering just how far out of balance these recent changes are going to leave me. So, that means that I will have to transition out of OpenCraft.
It hurts to write this post. I’m going to miss each of you. The good news is that this transition won’t be immediate-- I will still be here through the conference. My circumstances allow me to stay a bit longer before the new expenses kick in. I anticipate interviewing for positions in earnest once we return from the coworking week.
The reason for this long notice is that I anticipate it will be challenging to replace the roles I hold (specifically the business development role) and felt that it would be best to give a much longer lead time. When I told Xavier of my plans, he suggested I take on succession planning to make best use of the time. I agree, and when I suggested meeting with team members to figure out the next moves, he suggested, as he always does, being open and transparent so that my leaving would not be a secret within the group.
Working at OpenCraft has taught me a great deal and improved not only my skills in engineering and sales, but it has improved me as a person, challenging me in new ways day after day. It has been incredibly rewarding working here and I will miss it.
Now, to the concrete details. To have me roll off the team, the following roles will need to be moved:
- Business Development Specialist
- Developer Advocate
- Listaflow Epic Owner/technical contact for the CCs on Listaflow
- Backup OSPR Liaison
- Sprint Manager for Deathstar
Most of these don’t have to be rolled off immediately-- it’s really the Business Development Specialist that will take a long time. If you’re reading this and always wanted to try your hand at it, I can say that this team has benefited from having a sales person with engineering experience. If there is someone within the team willing to take this role and be trained up on it, I think that would be preferable to hiring. Please let me know if this interests you-- otherwise we will start making job listings and start the interviewing process.
I will update this thread when I’ve accepted a new position and will be invoking the 30 days notice point. We might defer the reassignment of the remaining roles until then, but please let me know of your interest now if you have it.
Thank you all for everything that you do. I will miss this non-localized place.