Talks Brainstorm - Open edX Conference 2025

A little late to the party, but my talk wasn’t accepted either.

Same here. My talk wasn’t accepted.

I just received an email telling me that my talk wasn’t accepted.

My talk is still “in evaluation”. Is anyone else in the same boat? I asked on the Open edX forum whether the evaluation period is still underway, but I haven’t heard back yet.

My talk wasn’t accepted either.

We’re still waiting on some acceptances in that track, so your acceptance is pending the results of those acceptances. I would tend to assume your talk will ultimately not be accepted, but if someone who’s talk did get accepted can’t confirm participation, yours would be slotted in. Hope that helps.

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@sarina That clears things up—thank you! :sunflower:

Just received an email to say that my talk was not accepted.