The Grove plugin for Tutor can now deploy Palm

Version 16 of the tutor-contrib-grove plugin has just been tagged which adds support for the latest tutor 16 release. Note that this changes the versioning scheme used to now follow Tutor, which does a major release along with each Open edX release. The previous version was 0.6, however maintaining the same version as tutor makes it easier to understand which version of the plugin is compatible with which Open edX release.

NOTE: At this point tutor-contrib-grove’s main branch is only compatible with Palm releases! If you need to deploy an older version or patch this plugin, you’ll need to do that in a branch.

I would love input on whether the branches should follow tutor’s versioning scheme i.e. v15/v14 or Open edX’s with nutmeg.


Thanks for your work on this @kshitij!

I would love input on whether the branches should follow tutor’s versioning scheme i.e. v15/v14 or Open edX’s with nutmeg.

I suggest nutmeg / palm rather than v15 / v16. I think that’s how tutor itself and most tutor plugins name their branches.

I suggest nutmeg / palm rather than v15 / v16. I think that’s how tutor itself and most tutor plugins name their branches.

Idk, I had the polar opposite experience. Every repo I’ve seen recently, even if it used to use the release name as a convention, starting with v15, started using the major tutor version as convention. I.e. any plugin that has version 15.* is compatible with tutor and so on.

That’s true for versions and tag names. I agree our repo should follow the same convention.

I was only talking about branch names - tutor has a palm branch and not a v16 branch.

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I think that’s a good point, about tutor having a palm branch vs a v15 branch. I think, this being a tutor plugin, following the tutor convention (since we’re doing that with version numbers as well) makes sense.

I’ll cut a nutmeg branch at 0.6.0 and future PRs that need to target nutmeg can target that in addition, and we can either release 0.x releses from that or move that to v15.x as well.

The last time I’ve looked at tutor, the palm branch was WIP, and had many dependencies locked at >=16, while those dependencies didn’t even have those versions. So that lead me to believe that it was just temporary while they are getting it ready, and once it would be ready, they would change it to 16.0.0.

I’ve just checked the v16.0.0 and v16.0.2 (which are tags on the master branch), and it seems like palm branch and those tags are not synced. Based on the commit history, I would think v16.* tags are considered “canon” and the palm branch was used just for testing/initial development.

I agree that this is probably the case, but I also think the nutmeg branch will be temporary as well. We generally have all clients at the same release, so the nutmeg branch is just a temporary thing, if a client needs a patch before their palm upgrade.

So we can continue to have tags for version releases, but we need a branch for any patches/MRs that need to be applied for nutmeg deployments. Once all instances are upgraded, we can drop the nutmeg branch as well.