Migrating off Monday to Listaflow and SuiteCRM

Everyone’s username should be updated in the CRM now based on their GitHub username. For those who don’t have one, according to our contact sheet, your first name, lowercased, remains your username. You can also change your username in your settings panel if you need to.

Yeah, the checklist currently on Listaflow is mostly irrelevant to me since my end of sprint tasks are quite different.

I do have a question though - are people expected to complete this whole list all in one go? The checklist has deadlines/days for each task (e.g. “Week 1 Tuesday”), but it’s not possible to complete the checklist “as you go”… if you don’t check all 15 checkboxes, you can’t submit. So could we make them non-required so that people can check them off and update their list as they go, then come back and update it when it’s complete? Otherwise if people are using this as a guide throughout their sprint they’ll need to copy the checklist somewhere else and keep track of it separately, which seems to defeat the purpose of having Listaflow.

Even today, I wanted to check off the ones I’ve done so far, submit, then do the last few like my sprint update, and come back to mark it as done, but it won’t let me submit with any one task blank. This also means that if someone can’t or hasn’t done a particular task, their only option is to “lie about it” and mark it as done anyways, or else they can’t even submit the rest of their report. So I think something needs to be changed.

The tasks are still checked even if you leave. The ‘submit’ button is for confirming you’re done. Originally, since checking the task did live-update the status, we automatically considered the checklist ‘complete’ when all required tasks were checked. However, that posed a problem for cases where there were non-required items, since a person might not actually be ‘done’ if they hadn’t explicitly ignored the non-required items. So, we put the submission button in to make it clear you intended to finish with the checklist.

We COULD make all the checklist items optional for our use case, though, in the case that the task doesn’t matter. Only problem would be that if you DID miss something, Listaflow wouldn’t be able to tell you.

Oh. That explains a lot but is really not clear in the UI. Can we add some text explaining that?

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Maybe! Or there might be some other way to cue this information. If we were to add text, maybe it would be just above or just below the submit button and say something like ‘Your responses have been saved. If you’re finished, please hit the Submit button below’. What do you think, @Ali ?

I had very similar reactions to @braden 's above - imho this could be worth a dedicated product / design task, to review and rework that aspect and take into account the subtleties of completing the checklist progressively, and the case of mandatory tasks that can’t be completed.

Or show a small green Saved! text on the right of the saved list item (regardless if a checkbox or input field)?

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I agree, but nothing springs to mind at the moment. Shall we put this on the back burner? I think text above the submit button is ok for now.

I’ve tried to tweak your text so that the wording works before any responses have been added, once responses have been added, and in conjunction with the sentence, “Still X required items to complete” (by removing “if you’re finished…”). I’m not thrilled with this solution (it’s very wordy!) What do you think?

Your responses will be saved. Hit the submit button when you’re done.
Still X required items to complete.

@braden Do you think that would make the checklist more clear to users? Thanks for mentioning this by the way! :+1:t6:

Interesting idea @gabor, but I think this might make the interface a bit busy. Perhaps there’s a different way to achieve the same effect with a simpler design. I will have a think about this.

On the fields which auto-update on Artconomy, I’ve added a small save indicator to them. You might be able to use this as inspiration and pick something that looks better and fits our use case :)

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I still don’t think that’s clear, because it says “Your responses will be saved” [when I click the button? It’s future tense].
So I would suggest something like :

Your responses are saved as you go, so you can close this and come back anytime. When you’ve finished with this list, mark it as done

[ :heavy_check_mark: Mark Done ]


@braden You’re right - that is more clear.

I’ve made some small changes to your text, and updated the layout slightly by placing the required items count beneath the button (technically, it should be above – or even next to – the button, but the layout doesn’t work. I think below works well enough). What do you think?


@Ali @braden +1 to this approach, and I like your latest mockup @Ali .

What about the case where some of the mandatory items can’t be completed, or shouldn’t for some reason? (For example, being on holidays when the item should have been completed, or items not relevant to the sprint/role). Currently I assume we just wouldn’t be able to complete the checklist, ie not be able to click that button, right? It could still make sense to allow to mark the list as done/completed in some way in these cases, as there is no more work possible on it despite the missing required fields (ie no more reminders, shouldn’t appear in the list of lists that need attention, etc.). Especially, it would be useful to differentiate it from cases where we don’t fill a form at all, or forget to finish it.

Maybe when the button “Complete checklist” is pressed in these cases, show a confirmation dialog saying something like “Warning! 5 required items are still remaining - do you want to force marking the checklist as complete anyway?” => [Yes, still mark the checklist as comple] / [No, keep editing the checklist]

Note that it would be useful to be able to differentiate between those two cases on the reporting side too.


Looks great! I like this.

I also like Xavier’s suggestion of allowing users to “force” submit a checklist if they need to.

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I agree… maybe with a warning pop-up that “some items haven’t been completed yet… are you sure you want to submit?”

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@braden @antoviaque @jill
Thanks to everyone for the help! The “force submit” is a good idea. Please see the two styling options below and let me know if you have a preference.

Once the submit button is pressed, the alert should take its place (in the current interface, the alert and the button show at the same time. I find this confusing).

:point_up_2: Current styling for alerts with a title and buttons added. I think the big block of colour could be a bit alarming for the user (especially when it comes to red warning alerts).

:point_up_2: Same layout, but with colours toned down.

I prefer the toned-down version :slight_smile:

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Thanks @Ali ! I like both of your mockups :) Alarming a bit the user seem fair to me in this case, to make sure we don’t just click without reading, as it’s still meant to be something exceptional (and is likely to mean that the checklist isn’t quite right). But I also get the idea of the toned down version.

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Your wording looks great, and interestingly, the “toned down” version is such a contrast to Listaflow’s lovely dark theme, that I think it’ll shine out even more than the darker yellow alert.

I’m fine with either :slight_smile: Thank you!

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The toned down version looks nice @Ali, thank you for the amazing work. I do have one suggestion WRT the shape of the button. Do you think the rounded button will look better than square ones ?

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