New Developer: Romulo Penido

@rpenido has joined @falcon from this sprint as a new developer in the team. He is from Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Welcome to the team @rpenido. :tada:


Welcome to the team @rpenido! :wave: :wave:

Welcome @rpenido :) :tada:

Hey @rpenido, welcome aboard! :wave:

Welcome to the team @rpenido ! :rocket:


Thanks for the welcome!
Here’s my intro video!

I’m thrilled to join Opencraft and eager to work with you guys!


Thank you for your intro video! I’m looking forward to meeting you and working with you too :smile:

I’d love to see your dogs too, if you have photos to share? We have an Animals of OpenCraft thread, and there’s a #pets channel on Open edX Slack (invite incoming). There’s a lot of people who like to see pets in meeting videos :dog2:

Welcome to the team, Romulo : )