OpenCraft newsletter - news section

@Fox good idea! I’ll schedule a task for you this week to prepare a short paragraph for the newsletter.

I’m working on the May newsletter this week. Does anybody have ideas on topics that should be covered? Here’s my list so far (WIP):

Thank you!

ticket to log time

The first Lilac release candidate is out, so this might be a good opportunity to ask people to test it. So, yes. :slight_smile:

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Great, @adolfo! Btw, I’m sorry for the insertion; I’ll try to schedule task for you ahead of time next month (and we can always archive it if there’s no specific BTR update for that month).

Can you go ahead and add a short paragraph to this draft? Thanks!

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Roger, will do! And no problem regarding the insertion: it shouldn’t take me too long to whip up.

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I’m working on the June newsletter, and I need your help :) Here’s what I thought of covering this month so far:


  • Can we talk about our Recruitment web page (@Fox is there anything we can show, or is it too early? Newsletter will be sent on June 30th)
  • Should we mention the bug bounties? @adolfo what do you think? Would you like to write a quick piece about this?

I’ve scraped the official forum looking for things to announce, but didn’t find much. Have I missed anything?

It depends on whether or not the implementation is complete. My suspicion is that it will be but I’m not sure.

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Thanks, I’ve pinged Cassie on the implementation task to see if she can confirm.

Put me down for a few words on the release and bounties, yes. The expectation of exposure will add to my motivation to get the list actually identified as such somewhere publiclly. Even if it’s just tagging tickets in the BTR board with “bounty-offered” (or some such) so they can be easily found.

I’ll do it on the first week on SE.250. Does that work?

@adolfo great, thanks a lot :slight_smile:


Gosh, I’m sorry but I realized that June 30th is next Wednesday (I thought it was next Friday, for some reason)… which means that Xavier will review the newsletter on Tuesday (probably in our morning), which in turn means that ideally your part should be done by next Monday EOD. If that’s an issue, I’ll write down the paragraphs myself, let me know.

Btw I’m sorry for doing this at the last minute every time — ideally everything would be planned and scheduled in advance like any other task, but the issue is that not much happens from month to month, so doing this 1-2 weeks in advance would probably make a very short newsletter :stuck_out_tongue: With that said, what I’ll do next time is to create a placeholder task for you to set time aside for this. I appreciate your help, and I’ll plan better next time.

Maybe the first month, but if you do the newsletter earlier, it also means that more time will pass since the last newsletter writeup, the next time it’s also worked on 1-2 weeks in advance. :)

Good point :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll need to plan next month’s newsletter more in advance next month anyway, because of my vacation time. It’ll be a good opportunity to switch to planning the newsletter earlier.

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Hey team,

I’m preparing the newsletter for July. Here’s what I thought of covering so far:

Anything important I’m forgetting about? Thanks!


@gabriel Thanks!

For this time that’s already plenty of topics to talk about – kudos for a well populated newsletter! :) An additional (and recurring) topic for the next newsletters would be an update on our contributions coming from our accelerated epics. It would be good to raise awareness on – things like theming, leaderboard, etc.

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Note taken :+1:

Hi team,

I’ll be preparing our December newsletter ealier than usual because of the holiday, and we thought it was also a good opportunity to poll the team and other forum readers about potential newsletter content.

Aside from the latest news and events, we have a few recurring topics on the newsletter now, such as updates about the Build-Test-Release work group, Core Contributors, and the Marketing and Transifex work groups (which we’re installing at TCRIL’s request :slight_smile: )

What been going on lately, at OpenCraft or in the community, that is worth sharing with the world?

You can check out this thread to access the content of our previous newsletters.

ticket to log time

@gabriel To get additional suggestions, maybe post a call for contributions in your thread from the official forums, too? Monthly OpenCraft newsletter - #4 by gabrieldamours - News - Open edX discussions ?

Also, I don’t remember if we call for suggestions/tips of news in the newsletter itself, but it might also be worth it - community members could reply with their own news, or be redirected to this thread on our forums to post them? This could also help showing that our forums are public, too.

@antoviaque sure, I’ll go with both your suggestions.

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@gabriel, I am interested in signing up for this newsletter. Can you help?

@guruprasad sure, I’ve added your personal email to the opt-in list :+1:

We also have an opt-in form on our homepage and on our blog page, in case you know people who might want to subscribe.