Social chats meetings

Scheduling mixup on Zoom, so I’m hosting the SE.238 social chat on my own account:

Starting now! :slight_smile:

Hey @team, Serenity’s social chat for SE.239 will be held on Thursday January 28 15:00 GMT, calendar event.

Vote please on which game you’d prefer to play:

SE.239 Social Chat Game
  • - You draw and people have to guess what you drew. (Browser Game)
  • Scribble It - Everyone draws the same word and everyone grades each other’s drawings. (Steam Game)

0 voters

Both games are free :+1:

Hopefully it’ll be fun.


Hey @falcon, let’s have a social meeting on January 28th at 9 am UTC.
Topic: still not decide, open to any suggestion. :slight_smile:

Calendar link.

Howdy @bebop, Social Chat for BB.239 will be on January 29th at 18:00 UTC.
Calendar event

  • NERTS - multiplayer solitaire variant (free on steam)
  • Codenames - word guessing card game
  • Mario Kart Tour - just found out this is free on Android/IOS
  • Valorant - free to play first person shooter

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Here is the subject for the next social meeting:

“As we didn’t travel for more than a year for most of us, what do you like the most in the place you are currently living, the thing that you will say to somebody to convince them to live where you are.”.

That’s a long subject, but I hope you get the idea! :slight_smile:

Hi @team, the next social chat for Serenity (SE.240) will be on Fri Feb 12th at 4:30pm UTC.

We had a lot of fun playing last time, so I propose we do another round of that :slight_smile:

  • If you didn’t attend last time – this is a chance to show off (or discover :crystal_ball:) your hidden drawing talents!
  • If you did attend – this is a chance to redeem yourself come back with a vengeance and win!

Ticket: SE-4040.


Hey @team, we’ll be holding our Bebop Social Chat (BB.240) on Thu Feb 11th at 2:00 pm UTC

I see web games are all the rage but the only one I know is (my daughter introduced me), so I’ll leave a poll for some games on this thread and just chat. Feel free to suggest other games as well.

Ticket: BB-3727

Social Chat Activity

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The Falcon social chat will be on Friday 12th February at 13:00 UTC.

The topic is unexpected things that you predict are coming in the future that you are excited about. :slightly_smiling_face:

Ticket: FAL-783


The Falcon social chat will be on Friday 26th at 11:00 UTC (I hope it’s a good time for most of the team to be present :slight_smile:)

I can’t think of a good topic, but I think it would be a good opportunity for the team to see each other for the first time :sweat_smile: so please try to join, and if there is a better time please let me know so we can change the time.

Ticket: FAL-886

Hi @team, the next social chat for Serenity (SE.241) will be on Fri Feb 26th at 1pm UTC.

The topic is: if you met yourself from 5 years ago, what advice/warning/message would you give your past self? :slight_smile:

Ticket: SE-4129

Hey @team, the next social chat for Bebop (BB.241) will be on Thursday, Feb 25th at 15:00 UTC.

Here are two options:

Things to do
    1. Play codenames
    1. Play Skribble
    1. Discuss when was the last time one of your core beliefs changed?

0 voters

Ticket: BB-3833

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Btw, one thing that going back on a UTC-10 timezone made me remember - the opportunity to join social chats at a decent hours is often proportional to how close one’s timezone is to UTC. Most of the social chats get created in the UTC afternoon – which is indeed the timezone with the most overlap within the team as a whole, but which might not allow some people to join social chats, or very rarely.

For people who live in a timezone far from UTC, is that a correct assessment?

One remedy would be to not try to maximize the number of people who can join any given meeting - but instead to try to have an equal spread of meeting times. Maybe fewer people will be able to join each time, but the opportunities will be more spread out - and different combinations of people will also be able to join them, providing more diversity of discussions and relationships.


Way out here on UTC+11, most have been scheduled for either very early morning or very late night for me and I’ve not been able to attend :cry:

An idea for one of the upcoming social chats – what about doing a Chatroulette? :) I know, I know – not the public one, but one just within the team? They offer it for online conferences:

If you would be up for it, we could exceptionally set up a cross-cell social chat during an upcoming sprint, with all cells joining at the same time? We could think of things to do during each short random 121 – like maybe show around where we work (inside and/or outside); or leave the topic open for those who want? Suggestions welcomed.

If you’re up for it, either reply or like this comment, and if enough people show interest for it, I’ll create a Doodle for an upcoming sprint, to find a time for it (and if it works, we could do it again at different times in the future).


Yes, +1 to try Chatroulette :slight_smile: This should be interesting!


+1 from me as well. :slight_smile:


Alright, given that we are already 7 since yesterday to be interested, I’m starting a poll for the date & time – it would replace the social chat of sprint 242 (CC @giovannicimolin @toxinu @sid):

I’d really encourage as many people to join as possible – it’s a good occasion to get to know other people in the team in a different way, and this works better if there are many of us attending.

Try to pick as large as possible of a range of dates & times on the survey, it will increase the chances of finding a time manageable by most of us, and increase the chances of the meeting time to be at a better time for you, by increasing the weight of times closer to you.


Answered poll :slight_smile:


Thanks to those who have already answered the survey :slight_smile: I’ll give it until next Thursday for others to answer. FYI the results are visible at

NB: @pooja @paul @farhaan Do you have the possibility to add more options? Currently have only selected 1 to 3 slots each, which makes it difficult to find a common slot – currently there is no common option, even among people in the same timezone. No problem if that’s your only availability – but I thought I would mention it, as whenisgood works differently than Doodle, where often just picking 2-3 options is fine. With whenisgood, the principle is more to select a broad set of times – you can even “paint” all over the result board by clicking on a slot, holding, and dragging the mouse over other slots.

I answered the poll on whenisgood.

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